FFT Patent Granted 21.11.23
US patent office grants power at distance with Fast Fourier Transforms
Method: decomposing complex 3 phase magnetic fields via fast fourier transforms at a distance in real time (every microsecond)
The economic advantage is speed to install and safety
Current installation rates for distribution grids of about 20k transformers are 100 assets per year; the main bottleneck to energy digitisation
This patent means installations are 10x faster than previous equipment allowing the same number of engineers to do 2k assets reaching 20% critical mass of digitisation needed within 2 years (not 40)
The densest energy transaction areas (industrial production, consumption and the distribution nodes inbetween) need to be online before fossil turns off
Forecasting energy and allowing data driven energy market pricing and trading at scale
Two products, one purpose: speed to scale
Brightfield (pictured above) captures 3 phase energy fields. Fast energy data acquisition in risky areas with no meters
For assets already with meters, Brightfield quickly converts old 1979 interfaces to AI ready data (pictured below)
Direct contact to industrial power and costly installation times are avoided, solving the bottleneck to renewable energy transition
Customers recieve a free copy of the Brightfield cloud to monetize their own industrial energy data
Note for partners:
Brightfield is not a “platform”:
Brightfield is a hardware and cloud turnkey solution for companies to own their own platforms as producer (wind, solar), factory consumer or grid distributor
Creating new participants in energy markets for their revenue growth (as data provider role to energy markets; EU law 2023) and their own audits (proof of renewbale component of energy consumption)
for further reference see Google Cloud Blog
[chain code] 93e3 bebc c164 d766
Patents here